Stop Food Waste Day at CulinArt: Daylong activities lead to lifelong habits

April 24, 2024—Lessons learned from CulinArt’s account-level Stop Food Waste Day activities, which occurred before, on, and after April 24, included the realization that there is no one way to stop waste—indeed, there are many. Also emerging from these activities is the consensus that “stopping food waste” is more than a day; it’s a way of life.

Effecting change in guest habits was also a focus, with some operators collecting and weighing food waste to show guests how much food they are taking but not eating. Stop Food Waste Day even brought out the Iron Chef in many participants, as evidenced by the numerous Waste Warrior competitions held by CulinArt culinarians across the country.

According to Stephanie Dorfman, MS, RDN, CulinArt accounts conducted 18 Waste Warrior Challenges and 30 Wellness Tables/Teaching Kitchens, all focused on root to stem recipes and utilizing food and produce to the fullest.

“It was exciting and inspiring to see how many CulinArt locations got involved for SFWD 2024!” she adds. “We have all furthered our knowledge and skills to help the fight against food waste, and we are excited to see the progress we make between now and SFWD 2025!”

Click here to see summaries of how 10 CulinArt accounts engaged their customers in daylong efforts to create lifelong habits. And be sure to check out CulinArt’s Instagram for tips from top CulinArt chefs and RDs.

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