June Superfood: Berries
Welcome to June! Be sure to get your fill of berries for the month – they are in season, sweet, juicy, and delicious! Here are a few fun facts about our superfood of the month…berries:
- Blueberries get their bright blue hue from the pigment anthocyanin. This super fruit is high in antioxidants, which helps reduce inflammation.
- Blackberries have the highest folate content of most berries (with strawberries being a close second). Folate, or vitamin B9, helps with brain development and is especially important for a healthy pregnancy. The difference between blackberries and raspberries is that blackberries have a solid center and raspberries are hollow.
- Strawberries are a great source of vitamins C and K and are very high in fiber. Did you know strawberries are technically not considered a fruit because their seeds are on the outside?
- Raspberries have the highest fiber content of all berries. A high fiber diet can help aid digestion and helps you feel more satisfied. Meeting your daily fiber needs helps to reduce your risk for heart disease and high cholesterol.
Quick Tips
- Strawberries do not ripen after they are picked. Be sure to choose nicely ripened, red berries.
- Similar to apples, one bad berry can spoil the rest! Choose a carton of bright and fresh berries and pick out any damaged ones as soon as possible.
- To keep berries at their peak freshness, dry them completely before storage, then place in a container lined with dry paper towel, and leave the lid slightly open to prevent trapping moisture.
- Fresh and frozen berries both have excellent nutritional benefits. Sprinkle fresh berries on top of cereals, yogurt, or salads. You can also bake them into muffins, make them into jam, or enjoy them as they are. Add frozen berries to smoothies, oatmeal, or use them to cool down and flavor your water.
What is your favorite way to enjoy berries?