The Thanksgiving Feast – A Nutritious Delicious Meal
Each Thanksgiving, millions of Americans sit down to a delicious meal of cherished family recipes, seasonal side dishes, and indulgent desserts. Typically, Thanksgiving dinner is associated with its calorie, fat, and carbohydrate content but did you ever consider the abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients that traditional Thanksgiving fare has to offer?
Turkey-White meat turkey without the skin is full of lean protein, low in fat and supplies several minerals including immune-boosting zinc and niacin which is linked to reduced risk of heart disease.
Cranberry Sauce- When simply prepared from fresh cranberries this turkey topper is an antioxidant powerhouse! Containing anti-inflammatory properties, the antioxidants in cranberries help protect heart, brain, and immune system health.
Sweet Potatoes-Full of fiber that aid in heart and digestive health; sweet potatoes contain an impressive amount of Vitamin A which is necessary for proper vision and Vitamin C to help strengthen immunity.
Brussels sprouts-A cruciferous vegetable, Brussels sprouts contain potent cancer-fighting properties and Vitamin K which is essential for proper blood clotting.
Stuffing-Incorporating whole grains such as quinoa or brown rice into stuffing provides a hefty dose of whole grain goodness which offers fiber, B vitamins, and steady energy. For texture and bite, adding nuts and seeds will provide heart healthy unsaturated fats and plant powered protein.
Pumpkin -This brightly colored gourd supplies potassium; a mineral shown to help control blood pressure as well as powerful carotenoids that have been shown to be protective against cancer.
Share with us your favorite Thanksgiving dishes!
CulinArt wishes you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!